Clinical efficiency and safety of ethacizine in patients with symptomatic ventricular extrasystoles without severe structural damage of the myocardium

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V. P. Ivanov


The aim – to evaluate the clinical efficiency and safety of ethacizine in patients with ventricular extrasystoles (VES) without severe structural damage of the myocardium during 3 and 6 months of treatment.
Material and methods. There were examined 56 patients aged 34 to 62 years without severe structural myocardial lesions with frequent symptomatic VES requiring antiarrhythmic therapy. Anamnesis of VES was 3–14 years, on average 6.2±1.5 years. All patients were prescribed antiarrhythmic agent in a fixed dose of 50 mg t.i.d. Efficiency and safety were assessed by subjective data and ECG.
Results. When applying ethacizine for 3 months, positive antiarrhythmic effect was observed in 92.9 % of patients: in 57.2 % it was considered complete (complete or almost complete disappearance of cardiac interruptions) and in 35.7 % – as partial (reduction of symptomatic arrhythmias in 50–75 %). After 6 months of treatment, the antiarrhythmic effect of ethacizine was retained in 84 % of patients: the total antiarrhythmic effect was observed in 53.6 % and partial – in 30.4 % of patients. In most patients, antiarrhythmic effect was achieved with usage of ethacizine at a dose of 100–150 mg/day. Treatment with ethacizine in 5.4 % patients was accompanied by transient extracardiac reactions (dizziness or disturbance of accommodation). Cardiac reactions – increase in the duration of the PQ interval and QRS complex – didn’t reach the level of atrioventricular blockade and left bundle branch block.
Conclusions. Treatment with ethacizine for 6 months in patients with VES without severe structural damage to the myocardium was accompanied by improvement of the contractile function and relaxation of the myocardium, as well as an increase in the physical and mental components of quality of life by the MOS SF-36 questionnaire.

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ventricular extrasystoles, ethacizine, antiarrhythmic drugs


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