Clinical and demographic characteristics, management of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and vascular complications: analysis of the Ukrainian cohort of the DISCOVER Global Registry

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O. M. Parkhomenko
B. M. Mankovsky
M. V. Vlasenko
L. K. Sokolova
Ya. M. Lutay
O. I. Irkin
O. L. Feiziieva
S. O. Kostetska
L. S. Onachenko
N. V. Vilchynska
S. V. Shkarivska
N. I. Kravchuk
D. I. Chub
N. O. Pertseva
K. Yu. Malyar
V. G. Neporada
Ya. A. Saienko
O. V. Dovhan


The aim – to describe baseline data of the Ukraine cohort of DISCOVER Global Registry (DGR) with real-world insights on current treatment practices, complications, and associated clinical outcomes in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).
Materials and methods. This healthcare provider-led prospective registry involves non‑interventional data collection from adults (aged ≥ 18 years) with T2DM receiving standard medical care as part of routine clinical practice per their treating physician’s discretion.
Results and discussion. The initial data of 353 people with T2DM, who were included in the Ukrainian cohort of the DGR Register, were analyzed. The mean (±standard deviation) age of the study population was 58.85±10.02 years with female predominance (64 % [n=226]). The mean T2DM duration was 10.27±12.15 years with a mean glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level of 8.62±1.89 %. Only one-fifth (20.5 %, n=59) of the patients had glycemic control (HbA1c < 7.0 %). Among those with any complication, 73.8 % had microvascular and 79.3 % had cardiovascular complications. Retinopathy and heart failure were the most common microvascular and cardiovascular complications, respectively. Overall, 88 % of the patients were taking any antidiabetic therapy; of these, 27.3 % received insulin (monotherapy: n=28; combination therapy: n=57). As oral antidiabetic drugs (OAD), 32.2 % and 12.9 % received metformin and sulphonylurea monotherapies, respectively; minor proportions received newer OAD monotherapy (sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors [4.8 %] and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor [1 %]).
Conclusions. Baseline data from the Ukraine cohort of DGR reveals poor glycemic control, with a higher mean HbA1c and proportion of patients with micro- and cardiovascular complications than that of the global cohort. The landscape of therapeutic agents displayed marked diversities in the management strategies. Robust real-world data from the DGR can help understand the gaps in care of T2DM patients and lights the need of the formulation of region-specific holistic therapeutic strategies to optimize glycemic control and improving clinical patients’ outcomes.

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glycemic control, hypoglycemic drugs, registers, type 2 diabetes mellitus


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