Efficacy of cardiac resynchronization therapy in a patient with cardiomegaly: a review of the literature and a clinical case

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E. G. Nesukay
R. M. Kirichenko
T. M. Kornienko
S. V. Cherniuk
E.Yu. Titov
J. J. Giresh
S. V. Lisohub


The article is devoted to cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) – the method for chronic heart failure treatment with biventricular pacing. The article examines the history of the method development from the first attempts to eliminate heart dyssynchrony to the present. Over the past 20 years, the method has been improved both in technical terms and in terms of the formation of modern indications for its application. Based on the results of randomized clinical trials to study the effectiveness of the method, the improvement of the testimony and criteria for the selection of patients for the CPT is shown. A clinical case of successful CRT in a patient with cardiomegaly, severe heart failure and complete left bundle brunch block is described.

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cardiomegaly, chronic heart failure, cardiac resynchronization therapy, left bundle branch block


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