Comparative characteristics of proximal and distal transradial approaches in clinical practice

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S. V. Salo
O. V. Levchyshyna
A. Yu. Gavrylyshyn
S. S. Shpak


The literature review is devoted to the fact that for more than 30 years of the existence of vascular accesses in interventional cardiology, proximal and distal transradial, and the accumulation of knowledge about their advantages and disadvantages, there are still questions about the use of each of them in different clinical situations. Despite the dominance of the proximal transradial approach worldwide, which is associated with fewer potential complications and greater patient comfort compared to the transfemoral approach, more and more data are emerging about the advantages of the distal radial artery puncture. Our own experience, the foreign literature and different clinical studies comparing these two accesses gave us the opportunity to analyze the data we received and make a conclusion about the feasibility and safety of one or another arterial access.

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history of cardiology, arterial access, radial artery occlusion, transradial access, hand blood supply


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