Clinical and pharmacological management of hypertension in older patients

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O. M. Kovalyova


The article is presented the review of published sources devoted the strategy of treatment the older patients with hypertension according to the geriatric symptoms and syndromes. The definition of orthostatic and postprandial hypotension, hypotension-hypertension syndrome is shown. Based on the analyses of publication are taken the data related to prevalence, prognostic meaning, clinical outcomes of frailty in older people. The influence of geriatric signs on cardiovascular risk is pointed out. The discussion questions of the association between administration of medications and orthostatic hypertension in older patients are considered. The recommendations of optimal pharmacological management of hypertension in older patients into account of personification principles with assessment of aging changes and their dynamics during treatment are given.

Article Details


hypertension, older patients, orthostatic hypotension, postprandial hypotension, frailty, antihypertensive treatment


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