Cardioprotection in patients with ischemic heart disease evaluated by digital processing of electro­­cardiogram

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V. K. Tashchuk
O. S. Polianska
P. R. Ivanchuk
T. M. Amelina
M. V. Tashchuk


The aim – to evaluate the cardioprotective effect of metabolic therapy in patients with coronary heart disease (ICD) by digital processing of a standard electrocardiogram using original software.
Material and methods. 46 patients with stable angina pectoris of II functional class were examined. In order to determine the cardioprotective effect of metabolic therapy, the results of digital processing of the standard ECG in patients with coronary heart disease were analyzed using original software. with the evaluation of the effect of drugs (tivortin, tivorel, tiotriazoline, corvitine) with antiarrhythmic anticipation, in comparison with the effects of amiodarone and bisoprolol on the main parameters of HRD and dispersion of the QT interval, the angle of inclination of the ST segment and the results of the analysis differentiated T wave. The possibility of an effective quantitative evaluation of the electrocardiogram with its digital processing (digitalization) with the use of its own Smart-ECG software in patients with stable angina pectoris was proven.
Results. In the complex analysis of effects from the use of drugs, it was found that tivortin/tivorel reduced the risk of adverse events with stable angina pectoris and activated parasympathetic contour, corvitine and tiotriazoline – reduced the dispersion of the QT interval, tiotriazoline, corvitine and tivortin, accelerated transient depression of the ST segment  – reducing the risk of coronary heart disease and increasing antiarrhythmic effect. Bisoprolol and amiodarone increase the SDNN score and consequently reduce the risk of adverse events with stable angina pectoris, amiodarone stimulates the activation of the parasympathetic contour and less efficiently affects ST slope than bisoprolol, both drugs slightly optimize the ratio of maximum velocities and thus maintain anti-ischemic status.
Conclusions. Quantitative evaluation of the electrocardiogram with its digital processing (digitization) can be recommended for increasing the effectiveness of the individual approach in the treatment of patients with acute and chronic ischemic heart disease with the objectification of cardioprotection.

Article Details


Quantitative evaluation of electrocardiogram, cardioprotection, stable angina pectoris, beta-blockers, amiodarone., Quantitative evaluation of electrocardiogram, cardioprotection, stable angina pectoris, beta-blockers, amiodarone.


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