Electronic nicotine delivery system – a technological solution problem of smoking or a new threat to the health?

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O. O. Kvasha
O. V. Sribna


The article reviews literature data regarding electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) during 2012–2016. The data of smoking prevalence, frequency of use ENDS in the EU countries, USA and Canada are provided in the article on the basis of 50 sources. The characterics of ENDS and their usage are presented too. The results of the systematic reviews and meta-analyses aiming to study the effectiveness of ENDS in order to stop smoking have been analyzed. The problem of the combined usage of ENDS and tobacco products is discussed in the review. This literature review is very important nowadays as there is no definite opinion about advantages and disadvantages, benefits and danger to health using ENDS.

Article Details


electronic nicotine delivery systems, e-cigarettes, prevalence, effectiveness


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