Prevalence of Frailty syndrome in elderly hypertensive patients

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L. M. Yena
G. M. Khrystoforova
M. G. Akhaladze
O. G. Garkavenko


The aim – to determine the frequency and severity of Frailty syndrome in elderly patients with essential hypertension on the basis of geriatric instruments.
Materials and methods. 120 elderly patients with uncomplicated essential hypertension were investigated by conducting a survey on the questionnaire FRAIL and modified phenotype Frailty, Short Physical Performance Battery.
Results and discussion. The frequency of Frailty syndrome in elderly hypertensive’s significantly depend on the method used and was 17.2, 10.9 and 11.1 % while exploring the FRAIL questionnaire, the Frailty phenotype and the Short Physical Performance Battery, respectively. The predominant form of physical disorders was prefrail, its registration, depending on the method of diagnosis, varied from 20,2 % up to 68 %. The incidence of Frailty geriatric syndrome increased with age, it was more common in women than in men when measured by the FRAIL questionnaire and the Frailty phenotype.
Conclusions. In elderly patients with uncomplicated essential hypertension the registration of Frailty depends on the methods used. PreFrailty proved to be the predominant form of physical disorder.

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essential hypertension, elderly, geriatric syndromes, Frailty, FRAIL Scale, Frailty phenotype, physical status


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