Guidelines of the Ukraine Association of Cardiology for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Heart Failure (2017) Working group: L.G. Voronkov, K.M. Amosova, G.V. Dziak, O.J. Zharinov, V.M. Kovalenko, O.V. Korkushko, E.G. Nesukay, O.S. Sychov, Yu.S. Rudyk, O.M. Parkhomenko

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L.G. Voronkov


Guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic heart failure is an original consensus-document of the leading experts of Ukraine on chronic heart failure. Its preparation took into account the previous national consensus-document (2012), as well as principal positions of the new ESC guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of heart failure (2016). Compared to the previous corresponding document, the 2017 national guidelines provided more detailed information about technologies of chronic heart failure management – from monitoring of efficiency and safety of therapeutic approaches to the practical issues concerning lifestyle modification and self-control of patients with chronic heart failure. Compared to previous guidelines, more attention is paid to high-technological device methods of treatment, becoming more widespread in Europe and having great potential in Ukrainian practice. A special chapter summarizes clinical approaches to decrease risk of heart failure in patients with cardiovascular diseases. The guideline is an official document of the Ukrainian Association of Cardiology, directed at improving diagnosis and treatment of chronic heart failure in our country and might be used by cardiologists, internists, family physicians, as well as teachers of high medical school.

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