Clinical pharmacology as a science: a role in the contemporary medicine

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V. M. Kovalenko
S. M. Kozhukhov


Clinical pharmacology – is the science about drugs and their clinical use, directed at improving efficiency and safety of clinical applying of drugs. The main sections of clinical pharmacology are pharmacodynamics – the study of the cumulative effect of the drug substance and its mechanisms of action, and pharmacokinetics – the study of routes of administration, distribution, biotransformation and excretion of drugs from the body. In addition, clinical pharmacologists study the side effects/reactions, especially the action of drugs, depending on gender, age, interactions of drugs, the effect of food on the pharmacokinetics of drugs, etc. Pharmacogenetics is an important part of clinical pharmacology, studying inherited genetic differences in drug metabolic pathways, which may affect individual responses to drugs. New direction of clinical pharmacology is pharmacoeconomics searching for new, evidence-based approaches to optimize drug therapy in terms of efficacy and economic aspects.

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Clinical pharmacology, pharmaceuticals, evidence-based medicine, side effects.


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