Left heart geometry changes in patients with essential hypertension and different heart rate

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E. G. Nesukay
I. I. Giresh


The aim – to investigate longitudinal deformation, left atrial contractile, reservoir and conduit function in patients with essential hypertension and different heart rate (HR) by means of speckle tracking echocardiography.
Material and methods. The study involved 56 patients with essential hypertension (women – 63 %). We formed groups of patients: group 1A – 13 patients with HR < 70/min, without LV hypertrophy (LVH), 2A – 16 patients with
HR < 70/min, with moderate LVH; 1B group – 12 patients with HR ≥ 70/min without LVH; 2B – 15 patients with
HR ≥ 70/min and moderate LVH. In all patients we performed echocardiography (Echo) and speckle tracking Echo with analysis of longitudinal global systolic strain (LGSS), and its rate (LGSSR), early (EDSR) and late diastolic strain rate (SR) of LV, early and late diastolic SR of left atrium (LA), LA systolic deformation.
Results. We found decreased longitudinal deformation in patients in both groups with HR < 70/min. We also found significantly smaller values of LGSS in groups with moderate LV hypertrophy compared to the respective groups without hypertrophy. Analysis of diastolic function showed significantly smaller value of EDSR in groups with HF < 70/min. Decreased reservoir and contractile function of left atrium in groups with low HF was found.
Conclusions. Decreased contractile function of left atrium in groups with HR < 70/min may be caused by elevated left ventricular filling pressure shown by E/EDSR changes.

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essential hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, speckle tracking echocardiography, heart rate


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