Pharmacoeconomic aspects of warfarin and new oral anticoagulants use as prevention of thromboembolic complications in patients with atrial fibrillation

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N. V. Bezditko


The aim – assessment of pharmacoeconomic feasibility of use for the prevention of thromboembolic complications (cerebral or systemic embolism) in patients with atrial fibrillation indirect anticoagulant warfarin compared with oral anticoagulants direct action in the modern Ukrainian health care system.
Materials and methods. Used pharmacoeconomic methods to minimize costs, the mysterious cost of the disease. The supply of medications was determined according to the methodology of PBX/DDD, the economic affordability of medications was determined according to the value of the indicator Ca.s.
Results and discussion. Drug consumption was determined according to the ATC/DDD methodology based on the data of the drug market research system Pharmexplorer, the economic availability of drugs was determined according to the value of Ca.s. An analysis of the comparative efficacy and safety of NOAC and warfarin according to the latest systematic reviews and meta-analyzes. According to the results of the analysis of the pharmaceutical market, it is established that currently in active retail sale in Ukraine there are 15 drugs NOAC (2 drugs apixaban, 6 drugs dabigatran and 7 drugs rivaroxaban) and 11 medications warfarin from 4 manufacturers. It is determined which drugs containing the same substance are the cheapest in terms of the cost of one DDD. It is established that the indicator of Ca.s. 80 % of warfarin drugs are moderately available, and all NOAC s are not available. The level of total consumption of anticoagulant drugs in Ukraine in 2019 was 1.7 DDDs, which, taking into account the prevalence of AF, suggests the existence of a significant number of patients with AF who do not receive appropriate anticoagulant therapy. It is established that the level of drug consumption does not depend on the cost of the drug.
Conclusions. Under the current conditions of the health care system of Ukraine, warfarin is a more cost-effective drug for the treatment of atrial fibrillation in comparison with NOAC, which should be taken into account when implementing individualized pharmacotherapy of patients. According to the analysis of consumption volumes, it can be assumed that in Ukraine there is a large number of patients with AF who do not receive anticoagulant therapy.

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pharmacoeconomics, atrial fibrillation, warfarin, new oral anticoagulants


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