Diagnostic value of the level of nerve growth factor in elderly patients with ischemic heart disease and ventricular extrasystoles

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V. Yu. Zharinova
O. Yu. Galetskiy
L. A. Bodretska


The aim – to study the level of the nerve growth factor (NGF) and serum norepinephrine level in elderly patients with ischemic heart disease (ІHD) and ventricular extrasystoles.
Material and methods. 90 people were examined, including: 60 patients with IHD at the age of 60–74 years, including: 30 people with IHD: stable angina, I–III, СHF, ventricular extrasystoles III–IVb class by Lown; 30 people with IHD diagnosis: stable angina, I, СHF, without ventricular extrasystoles, control – 15 relatively healthy elderly subjects (mean age 68.2±2.7 years) and 15 healthy young subjects (mean age 23.5±2.5 years). All patients underwent echocardiography (EchoCG), Holter ECG monitoring, heart rate variability, high resolution ECG (ECG BP) with study of the late ventricular potentials; the levels of NGF and norepinephrine in serum were studied as well.
Results. In elderly patients with IHD, increase of the serum levels of norepinephrine and NGF were revealed in comparison to the group of practically healthy elderly. In IHD patients with ventricular extrasystoles, multidirectional indices of the level of NGF are noted: in 20 patients there was a significant increase in the level of NGF, in 10 – slightly increased in comparison with the IHD group without rhythm disturbances.
Conclusion. The patients with normal level of NGF showed significant increase of heart cavities, more pronounced myocardial hypertrophy and reduced left ventricular contractility compared to the group in which the level of NGF was significantly elevated. Results of heart rate variability assessment in comparison groups showed that in patients with ventricular extrasystoles and high level of NGF there was a significant increase in sympathetic activity with minor changes in the morphofunctional state of the myocardium.

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ventricular extrasystole, nerve growth factor, norepinephrine, hypersympathicotonia, morphofunctional state of myocardium, heart rate variability


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