Coronary arteries thrombosis in a patient with myocarditis

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O. M. Parkhomenko
Ya. M. Lutay
O. I. Irkin
A. O. Stepura
M. Yu. Sokolov
Ye. B. Yershova
S. P. Kushnir


The article presents the case of the development of acute thrombosis of two coronary arteries in a 35-year-old patient without atherosclerotic lesion of the heart vessels according to optical coherence tomography. Acute myocardial infarction in a patient developed on the background of previous diffuse myocarditis, foci of which of different time were identified during magnetic resonance imaging. Smoking and chronic intoxication due to contact with paint and varnish materials and regular intake of alcohol were the only risk factors for myocarditis and coronary thrombosis that were able to be detected in this patient.

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acute coronary syndrome, coronary artery thrombosis, myocarditis, magnetic resonance imaging, optical coherence tomography


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