Characteristics of patients with CAD and stable angina in Ukraine, assessment of treatment approaches according to the multicenter GO-OD study

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O. M. Parkhomenko
S. A. Tykhonova
O. A. Koval
M. Yu. Kolesnyk


Treatment of coronary artery disease (CAD) and stable angina, includes lifestyle modification, pharmacological therapy and invasive interventions to achieve stabilization or regression of the disease. Knowledge of the current situation regarding the use of pharmacological therapy and evaluation of its effectiveness is necessary for further management optimization. Trimetazidine (TMZ) has previously been shown to reduce angina symptoms and increase exercise tolerance in patients with CAD and stable angina and may be among an option for optimizing antianginal treatment. However, the effectiveness of long-term treatment depends on patient adherence, so the use of TMZ once daily (OD) at a dose of 80 mg may improve satisfaction and adherence in patients with CAD and stable angina.
Methods. The GO-OD study is a 3-month, non-interventional, observational, multicenter prospective study conducted in Ukraine in a real-world outpatient cardiology practice during February – August 2021. Physicians were instructed to continue monitoring and treating patients in accordance with usual practice and international guidelines. No additional diagnostic or monitoring procedures were performed. Clinical, instrumental and laboratory data, frequency of angina attacks, consumption of short-acting nitrates (SAN), adherence to antianginal drugs, as well as the overall efficacy, tolerability of TMZ OD 80 mg in real-world clinical practice were analyzed. The observation includes regular assessment of patients` clinical status, treatment optimization and its effectiveness at follow up visits.
Results. The study included 1529 patients (mean age 62.5 years, 56 % men). In the absence of adequate control of risk factors, pharmacological control of symptoms, and limited use of interventional and surgical treatments, the frequency of angina episodes was high, most patients had a pronounced angina functional class according to the Canadian Society of Cardiology classification (10.5 % – CCS I, 60.1 % – CCS II, 29.5 % – CCS III). Thus, the average number of angina attacks per week in CCS I was 3.7, in CCS II – 5.2, and in CCS III – 7, 97 attacks. In addition to the severity of symptoms, the following pattern was observed: the higher the angina class, the more risk factors and comorbidities patients had. After 3 months of follow-up due to optimization of therapy, there was a significant (p<0.001) decrease in the frequency of angina attacks – from (5.8±4.7 to 1.6±2.0)/week, and the use of SAN – from (4.2±4.3 to 0.8±1.6)/week). At the same time, in 3 month the % of patients with CCS II and III significantly decreased, while the % of patients with CCS I increased 
(48.4 % – CCS I, 45.7 % – CCS II, 6 % – CCS III). Adherence to medication was improved: 49 % of patients reported high adherence (vs. 18 % at baseline) and 12 % – low adherence (vs. 52 % at baseline). After 3 months of follow-up most of doctors rated the overall tolerability and effectiveness of the therapy as «very satisfied». Patients’ satisfaction with TMZ OD 80 mg therapy after 3 months of follow-up was 9.5 points [on a scale of 1 to 10 (very satisfied)]. Patients’ assessment of daily physical activity increased significantly: 2.42 versus 5.89 points at baseline (on a scale of 1 to 10 (severe limitation)).
Conclusions. In general, the management of outpatients with CAD and stable angina in the current cardiologists’ practice, which was complicated by the COVID-19 pandemic, was not effective enough, resulting in a high frequency of angina attacks – almost 6 per week, and a significant limitation of daily activity due to angina symptoms.
Significant deficiency in the management of studied population was insufficient correction of such important risk factors as hypertension, heart rate, dyslipidemia, and lifestyle-related risk factors (overweight and obesity, low level of physical activity). 
The baseline therapy of patients in the study was in line with current guidelines, but with an insufficient frequency of statin prescription (78 %) and ACE inhibitors (54.5 %); antianginal treatment with an average of 2 or more antianginal drugs was not optimal for controlling angina symptoms, and the frequency of coronary revascularization procedures was also insufficient, mostly during acute MI (58.0 %).
Optimization of drug therapy as the first step in correcting the condition of patients with CAD and stable angina in accordance with all current recommendations with the inclusion of the original trimetazidine OD 80 mg once daily among antianginal drugs, as well as active monitoring of patients for 3 months allowed to reduce the frequency of angina attacks regardless of its initial FC, increase patient adherence to treatment and their functional activity. 

Article Details


stable angina, angina attacks, CCS class, antianginal treatment, CAD management optimization, trimetazidine, patients’ adherence


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