Characteristics of cardiovascular risk factors in hypertensive patients taking a dual combination of antihypertensive drugs: results of the FACTOR-duo study

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L. A. Mishchenko
O. O. Matova


The aim – to study the characteristics of cardiovascular risk factors, the structure and effectiveness of treatment in hypertensive patients (pts) on the background of a dual combination of antihypertensive drugs, to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of calcium channel blockers (CCB) (amlodipine and lercanidipine) when added to the combination of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) inhibitor with a diuretic.
Materials and methods. A multicenter study with 1616 hypertensive pts who received dual combination antihypertensive therapy. Cardiovascular risk factors were studied (smoking status, alcohol consumption, physical activity, family history of cardiovascular disease), concomitant cardiovascular diseases, carbohydrate metabolism disorders, and body mass index were determined, and current antihypertensive therapy and its effectiveness were evaluated based on office blood pressure (BP) measurements. Amlodipine 5-10 mg/day or lercanidipine 10–20 mg/day was added to the combination of RAAS blocker with a diuretic in the case of office BP ≥ 140/90 mm Hg. 1198 hypertensive pts received triple combined therapy. The effectiveness and tolerability of the treatment were evaluated after 4 weeks according to data from office BP measurements and home BP monitoring (HBPM). Lercanidipine was taken by 76 % of pts and amlodipine was taken by 24 % of pts.
Results and discussion. Hypertensive pts were characterized by a significant prevalence of obesity (38.6 %), smoking (27.9 %), and insufficient physical activity (31.2 %). A significantly higher percentage of smoking and alcohol consumption was registered among men, while a lower level of physical activity was registered among women. Concomitant type 2 diabetes was present in almost a quarter of pts, stroke/TIA in 8.7 %, and myocardial infarction/revascularization in 8.3 %. At the same time, 53.2 % of the pts received statin therapy, and 64.7 % received antiplatelet drugs.
Conclusions. The addition of CCB contributed to office BP target achievement in 69.1 % of pts, and optimal BP according to HBPM data in 54.3 % of pts. Lercanidipine and amlodipine have demonstrated comparable antihypertensive efficacy. Lercanidipine demonstrated a better tolerability profile compared to amlodipine: the incidence of side effects was significantly lower, respectively, 3.6 vs. 12.3 %; edema of the lower legs occurred in 6.5 times more often under amlodipine treatment than lercanidipine.

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arterial hypertension, cardiovascular risk factors, dual combination of antihypertensive drugs, calcium channel blockers


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