Evaluation of gender features of systolic and diastolic function in patients with essential hypertension using speckle tracking echocardiography

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I. I. Giresh


The aim – to investigate the peculiarities of longitudinal deformation, contractile, reservoir and conduit function of left atrium in patients with essential hypertension depending on gender by means of specle tracking echocardiography
Material and methods. The study involved 92 patients with essential hypertension. We formed groups of patients:
1A group – 14 females, without LV hypertrophy (LVH), 1B group – 10 males, without LV hypertrophy, 2A group –
16 females, with mild LVH, 2B group – 14 males, with mild LVH, 3A group – 13 females, with moderate LVH, 3B group – 8 males, with moderate LVH, 4A group – 6 females, with severe LVH, 4B group – 11 males, with severe LVH. In all patients we performed echocardiography (Echo) and speckle tracking Echo with analysis of longitudinal global systolic strain (LGSS), its rate, early diastolic strain rate (EDSR) and late of LV, early diastolic strain rate (EDSRLA) and late of left atrium (LA), LA systolic deformation (LASD). We calculated E/EDSR ratio for the assessment of LV filliig pressure.
Results. Decrease of LV contractile function in males with mild or without LVH using LGSS was found. Diastolic function evaluation in males revealed reliably lower EDSR and higher LV filling pressure and was obtained using E/EDSR index in mild LVH group compared to females. In males without, with mild or moderate LVH decrease of reservoir LA function using LASD index was found. Also, in males with mild LVH decrease of LA conduit function using EDSRLA was revealed compared to females. All received results are possibly caused by higher LV filling pressure.

Article Details


essential hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, left atrium, speckle tracking echocardiography, female, male


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