Comparative characteristics of the state of the immune system in patients with coronary artery disease with stable angina pectoris and acute coronary syndrome

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O. M. Lomakovsky
T. I. Gavrilenko
O. M. Parkhomenko
M. І. Lutay
O. A. Pidgaina
N. O. Rizhkova


The aim – to assess the relationship between the state of the immune system and the development of acute coronary syndrome in patients with IHD.
Materials and methods. The first group consisted of 64 patients with ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome, mean age 54 (49–64) years; the second group – 223 patients with coronary artery disease with stable exertional angina, FC II–III, mean age 56 (49–63) years; the third group – 47 patients with acute coronary syndrome without ST segment elevation, mean age 61 (52–65) years. The material for the immunological study was peripheral venous blood. To determine the parameters of cellular and humoral innate and adaptive immunity in blood serum and supernatants of mononuclear cells, enzyme immunoassay was used.
Results and discussion. In patients with coronary artery disease with acute coronary syndrome with ST segment elevation compared with patients with coronary artery disease with stable angina pectoris, the levels of indicators of the immune status in the blood were: CRP – 9.3 (5.3–12.0) versus 4.8 (2.4–8.1) mg/L (p=0.0001), sICAM – 785 (690–830) versus 565 (406–744) ng/ml (p=0.0001), IL-10 in blood mononuclear cells – 48 (1–228) versus 194 (21–758) pg/ml (p=0.0007), circulating immune complexes – 90 (70–108) versus 76 (54–105) od. (p=0.045), lymphocytes with apoptosis (CD95) – 16 (9–27) versus 11 (8–17) % (p=0.029), spontaneous oxygen-dependent metabolism of monocytes – 16 (12–21) versus 13 (9–17) (p=0.001). The levels of indicators of the immune system in the blood in patients with coronary artery disease with acute coronary syndrome with ST segment elevation compared with patients with coronary artery disease with acute coronary syndrome without ST segment elevation were: T-helpers – 37 (32–41) versus 42 (37–48) % (p=0.0006) (R=–0.33; p=0.0005), reaction of lymphocyte blast transformation to nonspecific antigen – 38 (32–47) versus 50 (42–61) % (p=0.0004) (R=–0.37; p=0.0003).
Conclusions. The development of acute coronary syndrome is directly combined with increased activity of the immune system, as evidenced by the high production of proinflammatory CRP, IL-8, sICAM with a low level of anti-inflammatory IL-10, a pronounced humoral adaptive immune response (in terms of antibodies to the myocardium and vascular tissues, CD40, circulating immune complexes) and active functional state of monocytes (according to cNCT test, functional reserve, phagocytosis) in patients with coronary artery disease with acute coronary syndrome, regardless of the position of the ST segment in comparison with patients with stable coronary artery disease. Elevated levels of antibodies to the myocardium in patients with stable coronary heart disease indicate moderate myocardial damage due to temporary ischemia in angina attacks, even with a stable course of the disease. In patients with acute coronary syndrome, high levels of antibodies to the myocardium indicate myocardial damage due to increased ischemia in plaque destabilization much earlier than the clinical manifestations of acute coronary syndrome. In acute coronary syndrome with ST-segment elevation, compared with ACS patients without ST-segment elevation, activation of neutrophils and suppression of the activity of adaptive T-cell immunity is noted (by the level of T-helpers, sCD40L, blast transformation of lymphocytes, γ-interferon in mononuclear cells, apoptosis of lymphocytes).

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innate immunity, adaptive immunity, acute coronary syndrome, stable angina pectoris


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